Many people will tell you that patience is a virtue.  I never understood what that meant until now.   I had never experienced what it felt like to physically wait for something good to happen.  It’s hard not to get frustrated when things don’t go your way when you want them too.  But, I truly believe it’s because something better is in store. 

Being patient takes practice.  It takes discipline and self-control to calm your nerves and wait.  I’m a perfectionist and want the best outcome at all times, but I realize that’s not always possible.  I’ve learned that it’s when you sit back, observe, and let life play out organically that good things come and the right things come.  Trust me, as the most impatient person in the world, it took a lot to take two steps back, relax, take a few deep breaths and realize that the state of my life is okay and will be okay. 


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With that said, it does take work practicing patience.  In all aspects of life, you must work at it or you don’t have it all.  One area crucial for me practicing patience is with everyday life occurrences.  For example, whether it’s road rage, or waiting in lines, I try to practice being positive and thinking about the rest of my day and the wonderful opportunities ahead.  Practicing patience in this way has had a self-fulfilling effect for me that then creates good karma in the future.

If you struggle with being an impatient person, make an effort to look forward to one thing each day that makes you happy and will create a sense of gratitude.  Even the tiniest expression can be helpful.  For me, I look forward to my coffee everyday because it wakes me up and makes me (at least feel) productive for the day.  Everyone can find one thing to look forward to and enjoy while being present.

Being in college and waiting patiently for good things to come often includes relationships, specifically romantic relationships.  Every girl in the world has had her heart broken at one time or another.  It’s hard and ultimately can be depressing.  But, even the right person at the wrong time is the wrong thing.  Don’t get down on yourself when things don’t go perfectly or your significant other no longer wants to date you, or if you’re forcing a relationship.  Trust me, it wasn’t meant to be and that’s okay.  While it can be hard to accept, it’s true.  Life will get better and the right person will come around when you least expect it.  In fact, all good things happen when you least expect them to and usually while you’re practicing patience. 



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