
Living a healthy life should not be another chore, another thing on your to-do list, or another resolution that doesn’t get accomplished - it should be a way of life that is sustainable. The fuel that creates this healthy life is self-love. You have to first love yourself enough to be conscious and mindful when designing a healthy life. Now that I’ve established self-love as essential to your healthy lifestyle success, let me share my four tips for creating the conditions to support your health goals in 2014.


TIP #1 Follow the 80/20 rule
The 80/20 rule is simply being healthy in all respects 80% of the time and then allowing some guilty pleasures the other 20% of the time. The idea is that you’re not putting unrealistic pressure on yourself so that your healthy behavior becomes a lifestyle and not a quick-fix health fad. Challenge yourself to live 80% of the time eating healthy, engaging in physical exercise, cooking at home, and drinking healthy juices or smoothies. The other 20% of the time is for splurges such as an invitation to a birthday party where you can eat the birthday cake and ice cream guilt free!
TIP #2 Stock your pantry with healthy foods
Being healthy starts with the food you eat. If you want a healthy life, it immediately calls for a pantry detox! If you're not sure what's healthy for your body and what's not, I recommend you hire a health coach to guide you in cleaning out your pantry so you can begin fresh. The next time you’re craving a late night snack you’ll have the options of an apple, a pomegranate, kale chips, pita with hummus, or a bottle of carrot juice, instead of potato chips, a box of doughnuts, soda, or frosted cereal.
TIP #3 Design your living space to inspire you
It’s very important to create an environment that keeps you inspired and motivated to live a healthy life. From the decor on your walls, the books you read, and the state of your bedroom, to the accessibility of your kitchen utensils - everything in your living space has to support your goal of a healthy life. First, set up your kitchen to prepare healthy meals. Buy good knives, pretty dishes, and durable pots and pans to make being in the kitchen easy and fun. Place high quality candles around your home and add art pieces with inspirational quotes to your walls and workspace. Pre-set your dining table (or a space where you can dine) for you to enjoy healthy meals. Your space sets your moods and affects your productivity, so remember to create a space that inspires and motivates you to be healthy and happy!
TIP #4 Insert mindfulness into your eating
Mindful eating is engaging in conscious practices such as saying a gratitude prayer before eating, taking time to chew your food, pacing yourself while eating (chopsticks can help in this practice), or turning off the TV when it's time to eat. Engaging in conscious practices as you prepare and eat your meals will help you stay healthy in all areas of your life.
Remember, your life is your own design. If you want a healthier life, you've got to begin designing the life you want. Follow the 80/20 rule, stock your pantry for success, design a space that inspires you, and eat mindfully to create a healthier way of living without feeling deprived. I hope these tips guide you to a more nourishing and healthier SMART self in 2014!

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