Leesa Michaelson

A second job is a choice for some and a necessity for others.  Sometimes it’s a job that is connected to our day work for a little extra cash, other times it’s a job chosen for its convenience just to pay our basic bills. While joy can be found socially and physically with these side gigs, often exhaustion sets in because there are simply not enough hours to work ALL those hours - just not enough time to balance two jobs, grocery shop, see family, visit with friends, and SLEEP! As a woman searching for this balance in a hectic world, I have been blessed with the best second job a girl could ask for - freelance writing for bSmartGuide.com! Here are some reasons why freelance writing is an awesome choice for a second job and how finding job success in freelance writing is possible for you.


Good for your Mind.

A job in which creativity is involved is a true gift. Many jobs require rote action or useless busy work, especially at 20-hours-or-less type jobs. Exercising your brain is a skill and a discipline that needs constant development. Freelancing for bSmartGuide.com has allowed me to exercise my mind through creative writing and has challenged my ability to think more quickly, solve problems faster, and develop ideas readily. Having to write an article that will interest the media masses at first seemed like a pretty difficult task. I have never thought of myself as a writer. I knew I was a person who had something to say but putting my thoughts down on paper in a succinct and understandable way seemed like a job for a “real writer.” Just like most jobs, writing takes practice and patience. Choosing and researching a topic, crafting a rough draft, editing that draft, tweaking and re-editing again, just to be ready to have someone edit it again, is surprisingly becoming easier. Writing is a powerful communication tool. Therefore, developing this brain skill will surely help me in other areas of my life. bSmartGuide.com has given me a great opportunity to grow intellectually as I continue to find job success with this wonderfully brainy second job.

Good for your Time.

Part of the culture of working a second job is figuring out that little time bridge between the end of the first job and the start of the second. Making sure you have a bag with a change of clothes or a Tupperware of leftovers for dinner is all a part of this time puzzle. Freelancing for bSmartGuide.com does not entail this precarious time crunch. Yes, there are deadlines. Yes, it takes a few hours. But the wonderful thing about freelance writing is that you make your own schedule! It does not matter what that schedule looks like just as long as the assignment gets done. I usually take time to research and write the introduction and then I take a break and pick up the remainder of the article a few hours or even days later. It gives me the freedom to fit this second job comfortably in my already busy schedule. I feel so much freedom from the opportunity to set my own hours and freedom in finding the structure that works best for my personality. As to the fact that our time is one of our most valuable commodities, I am empowered by my second job and I see that empowerment as job success.

Good for your Heart.

Freelancing for bSmartGuide.com has given me an opportunity to write from my heart. By allowing me to choose the topics, it enables me to produce an article straight from a place of sincerity and truth. One of the reasons for my previous writing insecurity is that I rarely had the opportunity to choose a topic I was passionate about. Writing something that does not have roots in our hearts produces a weak result. Passion in us produces passion in others.  What better way to get people excited about women’s advice than to give them an article that is not only infused with knowledge but that is structured around a living, breathing passion inside myself. If I have experienced love, loss, results, etc., just maybe I can connect with someone out there by sharing my real life experience. A skill and joy for writing is an unexpected surprise in my life this year. Having a second job makes me tired just saying it; so imagine the excitement I’ve been feeling when writing as a second job is not taking the life from me but enriching my life! That smells like job success to me!


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