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  • Has anyone tried a class at Rumble before? I've been interested in trying one, but it seems pretty intimidating
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  •   Brooke Kushwaha reacted to this post about 5 years ago
    Have you ever been intimidated to go to the gym? Don't let the fitness pros and the heavy machinery stir you away from becoming your best self. The gym was made for everyone, so here are a few tips to overcome 'Gym Anxiety.'

    1. Remember everyone is there for themesleves and should go at their own pace.
    2. Write down a plan or save workouts on your phone to try when you get to the gym.
    3. Bring a friend, you will feel less intimadted and more excited to try a new excercise.
    4. Wear workout lcothes that make you feel confident and comfortbale.
    5. Use music to distance yourself mentally from those surronding you.

    Comment and tag a friend below with anymore tips for overcoming 'Gym Anxiety' with #Perserverance
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  •   Angelina Eimannsberger reacted to this post about 5 years ago
    Hi bSmart ladies!

    Who’s interested in becoming healthy and also getting great skin? As one of my goals for this year was to live a healthier lifestyle, I’ve gathered some tips regarding the “diet.” I’m not referring to fad diets, but instead the food that we eat on a daily basis! Here are some tips that will help us reach the healthiest version of ourselves while also bettering our skin!

    1. Replace soda/high-sugar drinks with fruit infused water/sparkling water
    -Sometimes thirst can be mistaken as hunger & replenishing our bodies with water also is said to help our skin glow, so drink up!
    -TIP: Use frozen fruit as an ice alternative.
    2. Eat foods that have high sources of antioxidants
    -These include strawberries, blueberries, walnuts, blackberries, and more.
    -Antioxidants supposedly slow the aging process, detoxify the body, and fight against free radicals.
    3. Replace animal milk with nut or rice milks
    -Although there are benefits of animal milk, such as bone and brain development, animal milk does have hormones that could produce excess oil and thus, acne.
    -If you are interested in calorie counting-- nut milk, such as almond milk, also has lower calories.
    4. Add chia seeds
    -Chia seeds are full of health benefits: high in fiber, rich in antioxidants (amazing for skin!), and a great source of omega-3 fatty acid. They also keep you fuller longer because the seeds expand up to 10 times their size when in liquid.
    -TIP: Add chia seeds to smoothies, salads, oatmeal, and also try a chia seed pudding!
    5. Drink lemon water the first thing you do in the morning
    -It helps keep your digestive system on track, good source of antioxidants, and helps your immune system from its vitamin C.
    -NOTE: Celebrities like Miranda Kerr and Gwyneth Paltrow do this as part of their daily routine.

    I would love to know your tips for healthy eating, so please comment them down below!

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  •   Mary Bemis reacted to this post about 6 years ago
    Hi Ladies!!
    I'm about to finish my first ever 80 day group which consisted of 80 different workouts over 93 or so days plus a new nutrition regiment I've never done before. To say I'm SO proud of myself and PUMPED to try another program is an understatement.

    Next up I'm going to be doing a 60 day program thats only 30 minutes/day for optimal "shredding" for summer..

    I started a 60 day until Memorial Day group 4/2 but I'm going to open up entries at the 30 day mark if anyone wants to join to get toned/lose weight/maintain (whatever your goal is) there is something for everyone!

    Send me a message and I'll be happy to share more information with you (no strings attached if you just want to chat)!

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  •   Angelina Eimannsberger reacted to this post about 6 years ago
    Hi Ladies!! I'm super excited - this month my accountability group has a FRIENDS theme so I will provide you with a fitness program (and access to hundreds more) plus a meal plan and hold you accountable in a private tracking app with some fun FRIENDS posts! If you want to know more please send me a message or shoot me an email and I'll be in touch ASAP!
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  • ‏ — feeling great

    Join my tribe and stay on track through the holidays !

    If you're interested in joining an online community of women who inspire one another and motivate you to keep going then join me for 30 days. I'll help you get access to on demand workouts, a nutrition plan and a superfood shake to keep you on track throughout the 30 days.
    20th Nov, 2017 - 20th Dec, 2017
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  • Jessica Sheid created this group

    Virtual Health & Fitness Accountability Group

    It only takes 30 days to form a new habit! My goal is to help provide women like me with a fitness and nutrition plan thats manageable, in a community that holds you accountable and provides inspiration along the way.

    I believe in an 80/20 lifestyle, its all about getting your workouts done and...

    It only takes 30 days to form a new habit! My goal is to help provide women like me with a fitness and nutrition plan thats manageable, in a community that holds you accountable and provides inspiration along the way.

    I believe in an 80/20 lifestyle, its all about getting your workouts done and eating healthy (MOST of the time) so you can enjoy yourself and indulge on the weekends.

    If you answer yes to any of the questions below then this group is for you! 

    Are you looking for a new fitness routine thats 30 minutes or less? That you can do in the comfort of your own home.

    Are you looking for an EASY meal plan to help you maintain or lose weight? (that consists of real foods) 

    Do you want to join an uplifting positive community of women? 

    Do you need help staying accountable? 


    My accountability groups run each month on a rolling basis, please send me a message if you'd like more information!! or fill out the form in the link below!

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