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  •   sana kanvinde reacted to this post about 5 years ago
    Hello, wonderful ladies!

    Today I wanted to talk about the bSmart Core Value #Openness.

    A bsmart Woman opens her heart and mind to those around her welcoming feedback.

    This past weekend, I spent a lot of time with old friends. My good friend Taylor had her birthday celebration and I got to reconnect and spend quality time with people that I haven’t seen since I’ve been away at school. Laughing and reconnecting with some of my old friends made me realize that I shouldn’t forget to be #open and make time for them.

    It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of school and forget how valuable their friendships are to me. So this is just my little reminder to you to keep #openness in mind this weekend, and open your heart to the family and friends around you. Keeping the people that make us feel good close can not only strengthen the bonds we have with others, but make ourselves feel whole and happy too!
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